plot Causal-Inference BinCont: Plots the (Meta-Analytic) Individual Causal Association and related metrics when S is continuous and T is binary
This function provides a plot that displays the frequencies, percentages, cumulative percentages or densities of the individual causal association (ICA; \(R^2_{H}\)) in the setting where S is continuous and T is binary.
The type of plot that is produced. When Type="Freq" or Type="Percent", the Y-axis shows frequencies or percentages of \(R^2_{H}\). When Type="CumPerc", the Y-axis shows cumulative percentages. When Type="Density", the density is shown
Logical. When Labels=TRUE, the percentage of \(R^2_{H}\) values that are equal to or larger than the midpoint value of each of the bins are displayed (on top of each bin). Default FALSE.
Extra graphical parameters to be passed to hist().
Alonso, A., Van der Elst, W., & Meyvisch, P. (2016). Surrogate markers validation: the continuous-binary setting from a causal inference perspective.